Do I Need a Cone Beam Scanner?

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In response to a recent question about whether investing in a cone beam computed tomography scanner (CBCT) is clinically necessary, one expert offered a clear answer:

We have now had cone beam in our clinic for more than 13 years. My candid statement about its value can be summed up easily by the following sentence. I don’t know how we survived clinically before we started using this highly useful technology.

The doctor went on to describe the most important function of this technology in his office: facilitating the design and execution of dental implant procedures.

At Scan Implant Guide, we integrate cone scanning technology in our most common protocol for the manufacture and shipping of dental surgery guides. There is no imaging technology that offers higher resolution 360 degree templates for use in our software. We often hear from dental professionals that keeping a cone beam in-house expedites the process by several days. And it has a collateral benefit for patient satisfaction:

In my practice, when treatment planning for implants, I observe the cone beam images together with a dental assistant and the patient. . .The patient actually helps with the treatment plan. I feel strongly that an educated patient is much more accepting and calm during treatment than one who knows nothing about what you are planning to accomplish or about the treatment you are going to refer to another practitioner.

Contact the dental implant experts at SI Guide to learn more about how you can integrate the latest technology with our services.

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