Published Studies

Publication 2000
Precise dental implant placement in bone using surgical guides in conjunction with medical imaging techniques.

Publication, 2002
Precision of Transfer of Preoperative Planning for Oral Implants Based on Cone-beam CT-scan images Through a Robotic Drilling Machine.

Publication, 2004
An Image-Guided System-Drilled Surgical Template and Trephine Guide Pin to Make Treatment of Completely Edentulous Patients Easier: A Clinical Report on Immediate Loading.

Publication, 2006
Effect of Flapless Surgery on Pain Experienced in Implant Placement Using an Image-Guided System.

Publication, 2006
Reliability of Preoperative Planning of an Image-Guided System for Oral Implant Placement Based on 3-dimensional Images: An In Vivo Study.

Case Studies

Current implant case studies are pending.